Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Millions At The Kitchen Table

Chapter 1

How You Can Make Up To $2,778.00 A Day Sitting At Your Home Computer!

Even Out Of A Small Bedroom In Your Home!

By Jason Ryan Isaksen

An Amazing But True Life Story About Internet Marketing And How You Can Cash In.

Anyone Can Do What I Do!

I know you probably think it sounds like I'm exaggerating when I tell you I make up to $2,778.00 a day sitting at my computer.

As crazy at it sounds, I actually do it on a regular basis and I only spend a couple hours a day at my computer. And I really believe that anyone over the age of 9 or 10 years old can follow my example and do exactly what I'm doing. I know a few secrets and I'm about to reveal them to you in the pages ahead. So keep reading if making up to $2778.00 a day is acceptable to you.

Of course I can't and won't guarantee that you'll make the exact same number of dollars I make everyday, but what I can do is tell you how I do it. I'll reveal some of my most confidential secrets, tips and tricks along with a complete money-making system that produces a serious income!

How Much Money Do You Really Want To Make?

My average income per day as I sit here writing this book for you is averaging just above $2,700.00 per day. Some days I make more than that, other days I make less.

As of October, 2004 I've generated over 2.4 million dollars using my internet marketing system. Now that's gross, not net, but at least close to half of that is net(money that I got to keep.) But I don't want to sit here like all those other internet marketing gurus that tell you over and over how they're millionaires.

No instead I'd rather just show you a few of my actual bank statements from my business checking account so you can see my total monthly and yearly deposits for yourself. While others just talk, I offer proof!

These days it seems like everyone is flapping their lips trying to convince us of how much money they make. Don't listen to what they say. Ask for proof! Ask them to show you actual bank statements like I do. Then watch how fast they try to make up excuses about why they can't show you their bank statements. They'll say things like: "Oh I can't show you my bank statement because that's confidential." And the only reason they won't show you their bank statement is because you'd laugh if you saw most of them. That's why they keep it so confidential. But I believe anyone who is really making a serious internet income will be more than happy to show you a simple bank statement as proof.

So I'm going to show you one of my actual bank statements just so you'll know I'm the real thing and not one of those phonies. Click here to see one of my bank statements from a single month. Keep in mind, that's only one of my bank accounts. I have two more business checking accounts that also have extremely large deposits going into them every week. Yes, I make a good solid living and I'm about to show you most of the keys to my income so you can start making the same kind of cash-flow for yourself.

After you finish reading this book, you'll know almost every secret I use to produce this much income and you'll know how to do it the same way I do.

But keep in mind, you might not need a million dollars a year to support your lifestyle. As individuals, all of our income needs are different. It's possible that you aren't as materialistic as I am and it's possible you don't desire the expensive trips, cars, and homes that I have. I often talk to students of mine that tell me their needs and wants are more modest and they'd be happy if they could even make half the income I make. Heck, $1,000.00 a week might sound great to you especially if you don't want to work very hard and you don't need all the fancy stuff I've got. I've even talked with some "Stay-at-home-moms" that say they'd be delighted to make just a mere hundred dollars a day if it meant they still got to stay at home and play with their kids all day.

Whether you want $100.00 a day or $2,778.00 a day, this book is going to show you how your computer can help you do it! Just like I've been doing it for the past nine and a half years solid!

I also think you'll be glad to know that I'm not a "Lucky" person and luck plays no part in how I make all this money. This is not some fluke that just worked one time for one person. On the contrary, the same system I'm about to show you is being used by hundreds if not thousands of other successful internet marketers that work out of their homes.

Yes, my particular approach is a little better than most, and it's definitely unique, but the basic nuts and bolts of my system have been making lots of other people serious cash for many years.

You Definitely Don't Need An Office and You Don't Need Employees!

I've been working out of a small bedroom in my house for over eight years. I have a small desk with a $500 computer sitting on it. There's nothing special about me, my equipment, or where I do my work. Many people that know me actually tell me I'm a cheap-skate in a lot of ways! I don't want a fancy office with a pretty secretary. I've seen too many big shots with offices, secretaries, and staff go broke. Fancy offices and pretty secretaries don't make money! On the other hand, the correct knowledge does make money. I'm just an average guy who happened to find out a few secrets that actually work! And you're just moments away from finding out how I do it.

As you read these secrets up ahead, you'll find out why you're never going to have to put much of your profits into overhead or business expenses. There's absolutely no reason for you to go out and get an office. Your home will work just fine unless your business grows too large to contain in your home. And that's a great problem to have!

You'll never need to have a bunch of employees. Employees are more trouble than they're worth with all the baggage they bring to your business.

No Need To Ever Get All Dressed Up

One of the perks of working from your home is the fact that it doesn't matter what you wear while you're working. I work in my pajamas, robes, old torn sweats and holy jeans most of the time. Heck, you could answer the phone naked and your customers would never know. Your customers never come to your home and you never go to their home and since you never see each other in person, it's a relaxed atmosphere.

I actually get a lot more accomplished than I ever did working in an office because I'm so comfortable working in my house. There's no reason you can't do the same thing I'm doing. It's a piece of cake!

Now I'd like to tell you how I put this whole home business system together and why it's going to be even easier for you than it was for me. I know you may feel like skipping ahead, but you'll be hurting yourself if you do. This system must be read in the exact order in which it was written for it to make perfect sense. It's important for you to know each step I took to start making the kind of income I now make. This system will make perfect sense if you see how it all began.

I'm about to show you what I do and how easy it's going to be for you to do the exact same thing in your home. And remember, the big checks I get in the mail are not some strange fluke and I didn't just get lucky. I just followed an exact method that guaranteed my success. It's really no different than when you use a recipe to make a delicious dinner. You just follow the recipe and add the exact ingredients. And you always get the same delicious meal.

You could also compare this to a restaurant chain like Burger King, McDonalds, KFC, Round Table Pizza, Carl's Jr., Taco Bell etc. Does the food taste different at a Taco Bell in California than it does at a Taco Bell in New York? No, of course not because they both use the exact same ingredients for every item on the menu. A Big Mac from a McDonalds in the United States tastes the same as it does in a McDonalds over in Europe!

Just understanding why all these restaurant chains are so popular and so successful is going to help you understand exactly how this system is going to make you successful.

What is the single most important common denominator all these restaurant chains have in common? Each one of these restaurant chains uses duplication to achieve their stunning success. The owners of these restaurants know that success can be achieved over and over again and again by simply following a set of instructions or reading a manual that contains the ingredients to a perfect recipe! Yes, duplication is the key!

The reason people who read this book become successful is because it contains the exact ingredients that have already made thousands of other people successful. So as you continue to read through this book, I want you to stop worrying, doubting, and over-thinking. I want you to treat the rest of this book just like you would treat any other great recipe that was recommended to you by a good friend. Remove any doubt you may have about this working for you and just know that you are following a perfect recipe that has always delivered success to everyone that has used these ingredients the way they are written below.

My name is Jason Ryan Isaksen. I'm thirty three years old. My wife Mindy and I have two daughters and a son. Three years ago, using the money I've made from my internet business, I purchased a 22 acre house in California for my family. The best part is the fact that I was able to put 75% down on that house in pure cash. Again, I made all that money by using the techniques, secrets, and strategies revealed in this book.

And just so you know, I still don't have an office and I have no desire for an office. I'm writing this book right this very moment from a spare bedroom in my house that I turned into an office. I'm living proof that one room in your home with one computer is all you need to make up to half a million dollars a year! Most people dream about making this kind of serious money with a home business but I'm actually doing it! It's real but I still can hardly believe I've finally reached my main goal in life! It's still hard to believe that this little book you're reading right now has helped bring such an enormous income and so much freedom to my life!

For so many years I tried business opportunities that just didn't work! I felt like a complete sucker because I kept buying every "Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme" I could find. I was addicted to buying money-making-systems. I bought every "Work At Home" magazine and I responded to every ad. I ordered every course, program, system, and money-making report I could get my hands on. I ordered seminars on tape, franchises, distributorships, plans, and anything else that looked like it could make me stinking rich.

I spent $19.95 on one report and $99.95 on another. I spent $199.95 on a set of eight audio tapes and I spent $399.95 on a distributorship. Heck I even spent $2,000.00 on a website that guaranteed I would make $600.00 a day! It never made me a nickel! In fact none of that stuff ever made me a penny!

I'd be ashamed to even tell you how many thousands of dollars I've spent on worthless get-rich-quick schemes. I bet you've had some similar experiences and you're now probably thinking the "Work At Home Dream" doesn't exist. If you're like I was, you probably don't know who to trust anymore.

I was there too! I remember how it felt to spend all my money and get nothing back in return. But I now realize that all those thousands of dollars I spent searching for a high paying business opportunity were not wasted! It's now clear to me that If I hadn't spent all that money trying different things, I never would have learned some of the secrets I'm about to share with you through this book.

You're lucky! Why? Because I had to pay thousands of dollars to find the information you're about to read. I had to spend over 4 years to find out the secrets you're about to see in just minutes. And you don't have to spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours like I did!

Let me tell you the main reason I wrote this little book. You'd think I wrote this for the money, but money had very little to do with it. These days, I no longer need the money. At one time I wrote little books like this for one reason and that was because I made serious cash by telling others the secrets to making a rock solid income. A few years ago, I really needed that money badly and it was like gift from above. It's not like that anymore.

Now that I've already made enough money to retire on, I sometimes ask myself "Why are you still writing new books?"

Well, here's the truth. I feel very fortunate. This system has given so much to me that I feel like it's now time to give something back. I remember how hard it was and what a struggle it was before I knew these secrets. And even though I had to spend thousands of dollars to find out one good piece of information that would change my life, I can only hope nobody else has to go through that long, difficult process. I don't believe anyone should have to go through that kind of stress and frustration. I now feel obligated to share my knowledge with you. Keeping these secrets to myself would be a selfish thing to do.

Anyway, it's not like it hurts me by telling you my confidential secrets. Some people have asked me this question: "Aren't you just creating more competition by telling all these people the secrets to your success?"

The answer is "No" and you'll find out why as you continue reading further.

Lets talk about what this book is NOT

First things first. I know some of you reading this right now still can't help but to be a little bit skeptical and have doubts about whether this system will really work for you. But just for a moment allow yourself to be open and receptive so you can truly take in this information and fully absorb it. I'll start by telling you what this system is not about.

It's not MLM, Multi-Level-Marketing, or Network Marketing. This system has nothing to do with that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've actually made some money with MLM but I just think most people never find success with MLM and I have found a much easier way to make money. And with this system, you never have to meet with anyone face-to-face and you never have to do any real selling. This system always sells itself so you just collect the checks! Since most of the work is automated in this system, you'll only need to sit at your computer for about an hour a day! In fact, even people that don't own a computer can use this system so the market is huge for this!

This system is not one of those pyramid schemes that doesn't even have a "Real" product. No Way!

With this system, all of the money you're going to make will come from providing "Real" products with a legitimate purpose to people who are desperately seeking them. And they'll always pay you top dollar for your product! Every time! I'll give you more information about your product in the next few pages, but I just want you to know that I don't just sit around selling "Get-Rich-Quick" information. No way, there's probably good money to be made doing that, but that's just not what I do. Before I even wrote the first page of this book, I'd already made 2.1 million dollars by using all of the ingredients that make up this system! So even before this book existed, I was raking in a rock solid income by using all of the techniques outlined in this book.

This is not one of those goofy deals where I sell you a bunch of catalogs, brochures, and order forms and tell you to pass them out to make money. In that case I would be the only one making any money while you'd be losing money! No, this system is nothing like that! You keep all your profits with this system. All the money goes directly to you!

After I show you how this system works, there's nothing else you'll ever be required to buy from me. Once you know the secret system, you'll never need to have any connection with me at all. And I certainly won't be taking any of your profits! But the only connection you may want to have with me is for me to help get you started.

My goal is to see you become completely independent just like me. The last thing either of us want is for you to be dependent on me. Your goal in purchasing this system was to learn how to become financially free and completely independent so you don't ever need to rely on others for a paycheck. And most important, you don't want some fat cat boss-man taking most of the money for the work you do in life.

I did not make this system up. I'm sure you've seen the get-rich magazine ads and infomercials that show the owner of the company standing next to a Mercedes, next to their giant cruise ship, or even standing on the stairs of their own lear jet. And you probably already know that many of the people posing in those pictures aren't even the real owner of the company. Often times the person in the photo-ad has a completely different name than the one you see advertised. Yes, these guys often use made up stage names and they set up their own photo shoots showing a life of luxury when it's not even real. All fake!

I want you to know strait up that I'm nothing like that fake stuff you see out there. No way, me and my wife Mindy are totally real people and if you saw us walking down the street you'd never know that we are rich. We don't act like rich people and we don't look like rich people. We look completely ordinary, dress completely ordinary, and even drive ordinary cars. We don't need to impress people. In fact we go out of our way to look like regular folks because we don't want to be treated different in life. Sure, we used to drive flashy luxury cars and dress like movie stars, but we soon learned that people would often try to use us for our money. Yah, every other day someone else would be asking us for a loan or just pleading for us to help by donating some money to them. Sure, they'd ask for a "Loan" but nobody ever paid me back anyway, so that's why I use the word "Donation." Because when you're rich everyone thinks you should just hand out money to every Tom, Dick, and Ha!

rry! You're rich so you can afford it. Right? Well I don't like being used anymore than you do so it's not even about the money.

So Mindy and I no longer try to impress anyone with expensive toys. But the main point I'm trying to make is that every word written in this book is completely true. Mindy and I are not about to risk losing our home, our business, or our reputation by telling a single lie. That would be fraud and it's illegal.

I have no reason at all to make anything up because my true life story is so unique and amazing that it's more powerful than fiction.

This Is Not Just Something That Sounds Great On Paper But Wouldn't Be Easy For You To Do

As you continue reading your way forward, you'll soon see that even a 10 year old child could use this system(where was this when I was a kid.) This system doesn't require much money to start up. So even if you're almost broke, there's plenty of hope in the pages that follow. You don't need any special education. You don't even need an office or a store to do this. You don't need to stock any inventory of products and you don't need any special equipment. Best of all, you don't need to have a single employee working for you, ever! You just need yourself and this book!

This is a completely different approach to internet marketing that has made me over 2.1 million dollars before I even wrote this book!

Be prepared to read this book again and again until you fully understand the big picture. Because once you fully understand what I'm talking about, you're never going to work for anyone else again. You're money worries will be gone forever, and I promise you this: The people that work in your bank will soon have a new respect for you and know you on a first name basis.

I Didn't Go To College

I mostly screwed around in school so I never had any interest in going to college. With no degree, I wound up having to do what I call "Real Work." And when I say "Real Work" I'm talking about jobs such as stock person, grocery bagger, cashier, dept. store sales person, professional cleaner, etc. And when I say I did some cleaning I don't just mean dusting. I cleaned windows, toilets, floors, tiles, and even cars. At one time, I was even cleaning up after a demolition crew. They smashed stuff up, and I had to walk through all the dust and carry out the garbage.

But I don't want to bore you with all the details of all the many odd jobs I had. I just want to let you know that I wasn't born rich and that I actually shed blood, sweat, and tears just trying to live on my own. Those jobs all had one thing in common. They were all "Real Work" and I hated every minute while watching the clock and waiting for the end of the day to come.

It didn't take me long to realize I wasn't meant to have a boss in life. I didn't like taking orders back then and I still don't like taking orders now. And that's part of the reason why I listed so many different jobs of mine up above. I used to get sick and tired of jobs faster than most people. So I'd end up getting fired or quitting sometimes after only one week of working. There were a few occasions where I just walked off a job without even telling anyone I was leaving and never coming back! I would seriously just wait until nobody was paying attention to me and I'd just walk right out the front door, get in my car and drive home. Home was where I like to be. Home was a place where I felt safe, relaxed, and happy.

Yes, I was really good at getting jobs, but not so good at staying with them and being committed to them. Home was just such a better place to be. So looking back, it's really no surprise that one day after walking off a job, I stopped at a computer store and bought a cheap computer with money I didn't have. I had one credit card left that wasn't over it's limit and I used that one credit card to live off of for the next 3 weeks while I sat at that computer determined to figure out how to make it spit out dollar bills.

No Luck! For over a year I tried every internet money-making opportunity I could get my hands on. But I just kept racking up more debt. A year later, I was $46,735 in debt and desperately struggling. Any sane person would have gone out and gotten a job. But to me, a job was not an option. I seriously would have rather been in prison than had a job. At least in prison you can sit down and relax. Ok, well on second thought, I wouldn't want to be in prison either. But I think you're starting to understand just how much I hated having a regular job. Having a boss seemed as close to a prison sentence as I can imagine.

So I just sat at that computer all day long and I answered as many of those "opportunity ads" you see in the back of small business magazines as I could find. I tried every money-making scheme that I came across. If you sold a get-rich-quick scheme, I would have been an easy sale for you at that time.

I tried offline businesses as well as online businesses, but they always turned out to be nothing but lies. And I kept falling for every one of them. It was official. I was an opportunity junkie. If there was such a thing as opportunity junkies anonymous, I probably needed to be there.

But as bad as things got, I was one stubborn son-of-a-gun! I knew I'd rather be homeless than work a day job. At least I knew what I didn't want to do. Looking back, knowing what I didn't want was actually a step in the right direction. So I just kept on trying more business opportunities. I tried them all. I experimented with different ways of doing them and I tested and re-tested each one.

When you look at just how pitiful my life was at that time and how bad things were turning out, it's actually good news for you. If I can suddenly bring in $437,540.00 after being down so low then you know you can do it too! As you continue reading, you're going to see just how easy this really is. Remember, I'm not a lucky person and what I was about to discover wasn't luck. I discovered a recipe for success. Yes sireee, I had found the exact ingredients for a serious cash income!

There are a few reasons why you're likely to use this system and make more money, faster than when I got started. Who knows, you may even do better than me later on too!

But before I ever hit it big, things kept getting worse while I was struggling to avoid losing my apartment back then. I ended up having to move back in at my parents house which as you may know, is a hard thing to do. But I had no choice. My credit cards were now all over their limit, and my checking account had a negative balance. Things were ugly!

But as ugly as things got, I still wasn't going to throw in the towel and get a boss and a job to go with it. No way, I was determined to find a way to get my computer to make me a solid income from home. That was my dream and I was obsessed with being my own boss and finding a simple way to make money from home. I wanted to be totally independent and financially free to relax at home where I felt safe. Looking back I sometimes can't believe that I never gave up and at least got a part time job to help get me out of my financial mess. But I guess I was well aware that every minute I spent working for a boss making low wages, was time wasted. I knew that having a boss and a job would only end up robbing precious hours from me and take away the time I needed to get my own thing going at home.

How Did I Go From Almost $50,000.00 in debt and struggling at my parents house, to buying a house worth over $412,000.00 in just six months?

And How Was I Able To Put Down almost $200,000.00 On That House In Cold Hard Cash?

After Being So Desperate For So Long, How Did I End Up Paying Cash For 2 New Luxury Cars?

I even bought expensive toys for my kids like a horse, a new dirt bike, and a quad racer.

Heck, I suddenly was able to buy every piece of jewelry my wife was asking for! Yah, I scored big points doing that!

Out of nowhere, we suddenly get to travel first class and take exotic vacations as often as we want!

No boss! No cubicle, No office! I take orders from nobody! I am suddenly in charge of my own life! I can suddenly do what I want when I want without asking anyone! I can take today off and go play with my kids at the local park if I want. I can decide to take the whole rest of the week off and goof-off all day with my wife! I can take the next month off for a tropical vacation half way around the world if that's what I decide to do.


I'm about to tell you how I finally made a huge breakthrough in my struggle to create wealth with my computer at home.

I know you've been waiting on the edge of your seat for me to finally tell you how I made this all happen and now it's time to show you how to do the exact same thing I did. I'm going to use the space in the rest of this book to tell you how this system can change your life as quickly as it changed mine.

To find out how to copy my success go to http://okoyeada.wiff06.hop.clickbank.net

The Double Payment System has helped others to successfully market their internet businesses for the past nine years. Jason Ryan Isaksen has been a mentor and consultant to small internet businesses as well as large corporations. Yes, Jason Ryan Isaksen has got this whole marketing thing down to a science.Agnella Blog47325
Ardra Blog75685

It's Much More Fun to Quit Your Job and use Your Brain to Survive!

If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves Lane Kirkland

Double jeopardy! As if hard work was not bad enough employment, I didnt like the job I was doing! Youll never imagine how tortuous the road was to work each time I had to undertake that journey! I can only imagine how long you have been in a JOB (Just Over Broke) but think about this, the painful reality is that when youre working for someone else, you usually end up working for less and getting taxed more!

I love the Apostles who believe the age of the employer is over! I am definitely a self made follower of this creed. The energy and life sapping ability of a JOB are bewildering. How long will it take you to raise a thousand pounds now? A respected internet marketer told of experiences of seeing grown men in tears because they needed a little extra cash and couldnt conceive how they would get it. To them an extra thousand pounds might as well be an extra ten million!

You have the heroic and personal choice to do something or not to do anything. Keep working hard if you so wish! I have subjected myself to what I would call a Shock treatment; I have suddenly subjected my brain to the task of creating wealth for me. This was in the shortest possible time to cover for lost earnings from working hard! And boy, I didnt know my brain had such power! Reality Check- it was not without panic sometimes (nay, many times) but Ill rather sweat for myself!

The following statement of purpose is the best I have seen in recent history; If you were to steal everything I owned , emptied my bank account and stripped all my assets except for my PC and my internet connection, in fact if you left me with nothingI would have a regular monthly income within 30 days! Bang on target! The said income turned out to be the most that The Magnate had ever earned in 30 days! Check that out at http://aptitude.laycock.hop.clickbank.net. The internet marketing world has opened a whole new world of opportunity for everyone. In business parlance, there is virtually no entry barrier and it might be encouraging to know that the exit barriers dont exist too.

The internet marketing world should definitely not be considered as a no-work-required solution to making money. The road to internet marketing needs personal, consistent, focused navigation to starting and running your own online business. I have generously contributed to many a guru income in my early attempts at navigating the internet marketing space. I have had a bite of out dated information and some fantastic content over this period. The importance of taking a slice out of the market and working at it cannot be over emphasized. One of the very popular internet marketing forums called it, doing one thing at a time. The market is wont to refer to it as your chosen NICHE.

The size of material and information available on the internet on virtually, if not, all subjects is massive. A proper attitude and treatment of this pool of virtually inexhaustible information will turn you into A Magnate in thirty days! You can get the true story of an experienced internet marketer, who went from nothing to around $4,000 in 28 days, here http://aptitude.laycock.hop.clickbank.net. There is no fluff in this guide as he works you through each day and the tasks you would (you need to) achieve each day on your way to freedom in less than 30 days.

Peter Crown is one of growing number of infopreneurs who appreciates the challenge of moving through the phase of JOB to Infopreneur. He uses this tool with nostalgia http://aptitude.laycock.hop.clickbank.net.Aimee Blog95352
Aeriela Blog26893

Selling Guaranteed Sales Strategy to BIG Money

Good salespeople are aggressive, dynamic types. Everybody knows that.

There are plenty of good salespeople out there. They have good product knowledge. They have good selling skills. And they are likable.

The more competition you have, the more products that can do the same or similar things as yours, the more you need to help and advise your customers, not just sell to them.

Great salespeople are an extremely valuable commodity because they are in such short supply. So, what are the bottom line differences between good salespeople and great?

Great salespeople are continually trying to better themselves. They are always layering on new skills while honing the skills they already have.

Dont just be GOOD. Many of your competitors are good and theyre doing everything that they can to be better. Become dissatisfied with good. If you are good want to be excellent. Then become dissatisfied with excellent. When you are excellent, want to be outstanding. Continue along this path as far as you can.

Great salespeople also have a higher level of ambition than ordinary

salespeople. Sure, they want all of the things that money can buy, such as bigger houses bigger cars and more interesting vacations. They also want the non tangible things that money can buy such as respect, admiration and more freedom.

Another big difference between good and great is that great salespeople have a love for selling.

Now, you and I both know that its possible to make a great deal of money selling without having any love for it. So, whats the big deal?

The big deal is that at the end of a long career in sales, you have been competing against people who do love it. This means that for your entire career you have been competing against people who are willing to invest more time, and more energy in what they do for a living because they love what theyre doing.

Putting more time and energy into any endeavor will almost always lead to greater success. This is as true for selling as it is for playing chess, playing piano or playing baseball.

Imagine working for thirty years competing against people like that. For most of your career, you will feel like the salmon swimming upstream. You will have had a very long, very tiring journey, and, at the end of this long journey you will be completely worn out.

But, most importantly, great salespeople are great because they want to get the most out of themselves. The big money is a byproduct of being great. Its just another way of keeping score.

Winner Take All

Selling is a winner take all competition. The customer rewards the winner at the expense of everybody else. If you are even just slightly better than your competition, you will earn much, much more money.

Lets say you and I are competing salesmen, going after the same big account. If you are only 2 percent better than I am - follow-up, service, closing ability, etc. and you make the sale, do you get only 2 percent more commission than I do? Of course not. You get it all. You get 100 percent and I get nothing.

That's why a very small increase in your ability or effectiveness can lead to a very large increase in your income.

Here is the one thing that you can do to give yourself that extra advantage over your competition. This is the one strategy that can catapult you from good to great. By adding this one weapon to your arsenal you can guarantee yourself that you will dramatically increase your income.

The solution is to study and understand how your customer is going to use your goods or services in depth. The best salespeople see things through their customers' eyes. You must not only profile your customer, you must profile their customer too.

Thats it. The fastest way to dramatically increase your sales is to understand and help your customers customers.


Each and every single day, we are being tested as salespeople because clients and prospects vote with the dollars they spend.

Show the buyer how they will make or save money by using your goods or services. It is even better if you can translate that into dollars and cents.

Do these things and I can assure you that you will have all of the great successes that your heart desires.

Gary Wollin is a Warren Buffet style investment advisor with 45+ years of Wall Street experience. He has been regularly featured in The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. He writes and speaks on sales, customer loyalty, and the stock market. http://www.garywollin.comAntonietta Blog35642
Alethea Blog12064

Credit Repair - It's All About Saving Money

Why is credit repair important? It comes down to one simple thing - saving money.

Everyone has a credit report. It turns out that about 70% of all credit reports contain inaccurate or untimely information. This can have an adverse effect on your credit score and that can cost you money. Credit repair is the process you undertake to remove or correct these errors on your credit report.

The great thing about repairing your credit is it's not difficult to do. The first step is to obtain a copy of your credit report. If you have been turned down for a loan or credit, you are entitled to a free credit report within 60 days of the rejection. You are also entitled to 1 free report from each of the 3 credit reporting agencies each year.

The next step is to let the credit reporting agency know in writing what information you think is inaccurate and request that it be removed or corrected. Make sure you send the letter by certified mail so you have a receipt with a record of when you sent it. Always keep copies of your letters.

The credit reporting agencies have 30 days to investigate your dispute and get back to you. If they find the information under dispute to be inaccurate, they must notify all three credit reporting agencies and the creditor or organization that provided the information. All of them must correct the information in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the credit reporting agency will provide you with the results and a copy of your updated credit report for your review.

If the investigation does not resolve the issue, you can request to have a statement of the dispute added to your file and on future credit reports.

Then you need to send a letter to the creditor or organization that provided the inaccurate information, telling them that you dispute their information. Include all documents that support your position. If the creditor reports the information to a credit reporting agency, it must also include a notice of the dispute.

So why go through this exercise? Your credit score determines how much interest you pay on loans or credit. If you add up how much interest you pay on your car loan, home mortgage and insurance, you can see just how much money is at stake - it can be thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can even determine if you get a job or not.

Credit repair is vital in making sure your credit report is accurate so you can save money - sometimes a great deal of money.
Thomas Erikson is co-founder of http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com which provides http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com/credit-repair.html information and solutions.Allys Blog15947
Ange Blog55738

How to Save Money on Small Business Software

If you operate a small business, price will almost certainly be a factor when purchasing new computer software. Although it should not be the only thing you take into account, theres nothing wrong with coming up with creative ways to save money on business software.

The majority of companies (even small ones) use more than one computer for commercial purposes, meaning that they will have to purchase more than one software license. Most major software providers, including Microsoft, offer some kind of open licensing program, which allows buyers to obtain volume discounts when purchasing applications for several different computers.

Aside from cost, another advantage of open licensing is that you wont have to deal with multiple sets of disks and software boxes. You are provided with a master set of disks, which can be loaded onto the number of computers that the license specifies.

Another point to consider in your quest to save on software is technical support. Try to purchase applications from a vendor that offers favorable support terms, including free installation assistance support for the first few months. Once this support period expires, its a good idea to encourage your employees to find numerous sources of tech support, rather than immediately calling the vendor. Internet newsgroups and forums, for example, can be highly beneficial and a great place for your employees to learn.

Jeremy Maddock is a professional web-based entrepreneur who owns and operates over 20 sites, including http://www.corporatesoftware.info/Anne Corinne Blog79443
Amity Blog78161

Get Interest Free Cash With 0% Balance Transfers

If you have a great credit rating and no debt, then you could be in line to make some money. And you can do it using the tools that credit card tarts have been using for years.

The Credit Card Tart System

Credit card tarts have used the incentives offered by lenders to their advantage for quite a long time. These incentives often consist of 0% interest on balance transfers for a fixed period of up to 12 months. Borrowers who have a debt apply for a new 0% credit card and transfer that debt to the new card. They make repayments as they normally would, but the balance owed is reduced since no interest is being charged.

When the incentive period is due to end, credit card tarts look around for a new 0% deal. They apply for the new card at least six weeks before the expiry of the old 0% deal, so they have plenty of time to transfer the outstanding balance onto their new 0% card.

This serial card switching allows borrowers to clear debt without paying any interest. Lenders have begun to fight back as they are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds' worth of interest. Many of them now charge a balance transfer fee of about 2%. However, there are still some fee free balance transfers available, which is good news fro debt-free consumers looking to use the system to make some money.

How To Earn Money On A 0% Card

To make money from a 0% balance transfer card, it is necessary to have a good credit rating and to get two new credit cards. One credit card has a 0% balance transfer rate. This must be a card that does not charge a balance transfer fee. The second allows credit card cheques at no additional charge.

The borrower can use the balance transfer card to transfer a sum of money onto the card that allows credit card cheques. The borrower can then write a cheque for that amount and pay it into a high interest savings account. This strategy only works if the interest earned is more than the amount being paid. Borrowers can use the same technique to get a low interest loan. Long term balance transfer rates are lower than standard interest rates on loans.

But Is It Legal?

There is nothing to prevent borrowers from using their cards in this way. As long as they make repayments on time and in full, there are unlikely to be complaints. It is also essential to keep credit card applications to a minimum so there are no red flags on the borrower's credit report. There's no reason why borrowers who stick to these rules and make payments on time shouldn't make a bit of money from their credit cards. And while they're shopping around for the perfect credit cards, it's worth checking out the other incentives as well.

Joe Kenny writes for the personal finance sites http://www.cardguide.co.uk and also http://www.ukpersonalloanstore.co.uk.Ariel Blog80687
Audi Blog21346

Bike Gear: How Much To Spend

To lots of people, money is know object and they can afford to pay for the top-of-the-line gear they want. Other people need to be more cost conscience and look for bargains.

There are as many brand-new bikes sitting unused in people's garages as there are in bike stores.

Well, that is perhaps an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that a great many people who take up a new hobby have a tendency to lose interest after a week or a month. Either they find they don't have time for it or they find they just don't enjoy it. But, when they first started out they were full of enthusiasm so they bought all sorts of expensive gear that they now no longer use.

So they sell it - at garage sales, on Ebay, or in those special newspapers designed for the purpose of selling unwanted material.

The careful buyer can pick up quite a few bargains this way.

Used Bikes and Bike Gear

If you're buying from a garage sale, you'll be able to test out the bike or the gear and make sure that it works properly. You don't have that luxury with Ebay, but the seller has various ratings boxes you can check to make sure they're legitimate.

How else can you save money while putting together your own biking ensemble?

Shopping Online

Well, although I hate to say it, the best thing to do is shop online. Online stores have more inventory than do most brick-and-mortar stores, and they are able to sell the equipment at such a discount that even after paying for shipping, you still save money.

The drawback here is that you want to ensure that you're dealing with a reputable store - if you send money to a fly-by-night outfit you might live to regret it.

Seats (or saddles - whatever terminology you use!), handlebar stems, brakes, and tires can all make a big difference in the quality of your bike ride. If you're looking to upgrade your ride, by all means do some comparison shopping. Check out the prices in your local bike store, and then check online.

If at all possible, of course, you should support your local bike store, just because they employ knowledgeable people who will be there when you need them. But if you find an item at a bargain price online, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Local Bike Shop

It's always a good idea to have a good relationship with your local bike shop. Always assuming that the people who work there know their business. But if that's the case - you can get a lot of good information from t hem, and you'll be able to learn of any upcoming sales where you'll be able to pick up any bargains.

Alastair Hamilton is the editor of many articles on bike reviews published at http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com . A website with tips on bicycle parts, and many related topics: http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com/parts.htmlAnnette Blog30076
Audra Blog96839

Internet Scams Rip Off Reporter: How To Turn Your Negative Experiences Into Profits

Have you ever been watching T.V. late at night and stumbled across an advertisement claiming you can get rich with the real estate business? Some really nice actor..Eh, real estate guru tells you that making money this way is really, really easy. All you need to do is buy his training course and you cannot fail, right? You order his training course via the 1-800 number on the television screen and in about 7 - 10 days you get "So and So's Ultimate Real Estate Training Course!" You sit down and read this thing. You listen to the CDs. You take notes and get excited. Then, after a few hours or a few days, you tell yourself, " This could work..." But there is always a catch: Most of the information junk being sold out there doesn't work the way it is advertised to work! Or it doesn't work at all!

Internet Scams Rip Off Reporting may be the best internet home based business opportunity you've never heard of. You can register to be a scams reporter and enjoy the benefits of getting paid to share your experiences. I know you must be sick of getting ripped off by con artists selling internet scams. I'm tired of these guys distributing rip offs to innocent consumers looking for legitimate work from home opportunities. Internet Scams Rip Off Reporting is the best way to get back at companies that have scammed you in the past!

Doesn't getting scammed out of your cold, hard earned cash make you feel dead inside, helpless, and furious all at the same time? Internet Scams Rip Off Reporting allows you a chance to get even. Best of all, you are not alone in your mission: Internet rip off scams reporters receive help from private organizations and agencies that specialize in helping to report internet scams and rip offs for you! Internet Scam Reporters have help...lots and lots and lots of help!

The difference between a Scam Reporter and the average victim of get rich quick schemes is that the Internet Scams Reporter is trained to systematically report his or her experiences in exchange for profits. The average victim of a get rich quick scheme loses their money and feels cheated. He is left to feel hopeless, powerless, and clueless. The average consumer victim may file a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. But that doesn't always help them get their money back and it certainly doesn't quell the frustration of getting ripped off by an internet scam.

Internet Scams Rip Off Reporters only report their experiences to people who need it. I am speaking of work at home inquirers. These individuals specifically request information about what types of programs are scams. This is done through connecting with Home Wealth Enthusiasts and replying to their request. So many people are dying to know if some internet business opportunity is a scam or not. These individuals who are interested in knowing if something is a scam are located all over the world.

If you qualify to be an Internet Scams Rip Off Reporter you are in for a real money making opportunity with a legitimate business system intact. Internet Scams Reporting has many advantages: You will work from home 100% of the time. You can discreetly do your work at home and be successful no matter where you are located in the world. Internet Scams Rip Off Reporting is quietly being referred to as the best home based business online.

Think about it: You can get back at every company that has ever scammed you in the past. To sweeten the pot even more, you get paid for it. And the entire process is really easy.

In short, Internet Scams Rip Off Reporters report internet scams and get paid handsomely for their noble work. This is accomplished with the help of private organizations and agencies that specialize in assisting the Internet Scams Rip Off Report effort. They are paid money from work at home inquirers located across the world. Many of these individuals pay as much as $150 for information lists on what works and what does not work.

Copyright (c) 2006 Best Internet Home Based Business Publications

Joe Cooper has researched and experimented with over 275 home based business opportunities over 25 years. Learn more about Internet Scams and how to properly file Rip Off Reports at http://www.hatescams.com.Amber Blog69726
Alica Blog67319

Somatic Coaching

One of the reasons coaching is so effective is that it supports the client to be guided by their own wisdom. An often overlooked source of wisdom is the sensations in the client's body. Somatic coaching is about noticing and utilizing this source of wisdom.

Bodies Don't Lie

Amazing repositories of memory and keen response, our bodies are always trying to tell us something, if only we will listen. After years of ignoring the messages, many of us experience this the hard way in the wake up call of illness. We can start now to tap into the every day messages. Somatic coaching is a valuable tool you can bring out with clients when the occasion is right.

A Different Kind of Feelings

When a client expresses a desire to make a change in thought or behavior, and strong feelings are causing resistance, help them to shift away from analytical thought and emotional feelings to body awareness. Here's an 8-step process:

1. Start by telling your client you'd like to try an experiment that involves tapping into body wisdom. Ask their permission to proceed.

Would you be willing to try an experiment right now that uses your body wisdom?

2. Then, ask them to describe the old behavior or thought.

How would you describe in one sentence the old behavior/thought?

3. Ask them to articulate how they'd like to think and behave from now on.

Well said. Now, how would you describe the new behavior/thought you want to have now?

4. Ask them to recall one recent and specific circumstance where they have had the habitual thought/behavior. (Usually, they've just described this to you in session which brought this exercise to mind for you.)

Think again about the circumstances you told me about earlier today. Do you have it fully in mind again?

5. Then, ask them to tune into their body as they recall the situation. Have them report any felt feelings in their body. Ask brief probing questions to encourage a thorough description of sensations such as temperature, tension, contraction and the specific locations in their body where they feel them. (You might hear something like "a tight, cold, contracted feeling in my solar plexus.")

Now with that situation in mind, tell me what you notice right now in your body -- what are the exact sensations? Where do you feel them? Is there anything else you notice?

6. Ask them to describe their posture.

As you notice these feelings, describe your posture -- how is your body holding these felt feelings?

7. Ask them to describe what their body wants to do to relieve that feeling.

What would your body like to do right now to relieve or release this?

8. Encourage them to allow their body to respond. As they make the physical transformation, ask them to call to mind the new thoughts/behaviors they want now. Have them take a few deep breaths.

When you're ready, go ahead and let your body do what you've just described. As you let your body do that, imagine yourself having the new thoughts/behaviors you want. Take a few deep breaths. How do you feel now?

A Few Cautions:

- If your client has little body awareness this exercise might be a hard sell or produce more subtle results. Let go of attachment if it doesn't seem to work well. Know when to let it go. Be sure you do not make the client wrong in any way.

- Keep the pace of your language slow and speak succinctly during this exercise. The focus is non-verbal.

- Check your own breathing and posture.

- Echo the client's words back to them. Classic descriptions of felt feelings attached to unwanted thoughts are things like: "contracting in my belly" or "my shoulders are rounded in around my heart". Those are tender and personal expressions that deserve reverance even if you've heard them before.

- It's very important that you support the client to see the contrast between habitual body feelings attached to habitual thoughts and new desirable & released body feelings attached to new thoughts. They are usually opposites like contracted/expanded, cool/warm, closed/open, bent/straight, stuck/flowing, etc.).

- Do not overuse this exercise. Bring this tool out now and then when you have an intuitive hit that it fits the client and circumstances. Always ask permission.

- Do not use this as trauma therapy! Bodies hold powerful information, much of which is not coaching territory. Keep the use of this exercise to current thoughts/behaviors to transform and not to unlock historical core issues. When in doubt, don't use it.

This process can be incredibly transformational in the moment, and if further exercised by the client, out of session, it can be a powerful manifestor of new, more integrated ways of being.

The astounding thing about somatic coaching is that you can do it on the telephone. This is because you are relying solely on the client's own ability to tune into their own body and report feelings. No analysis is required!

Rhonda Hess is a business success mentor coach for professional coaches and other entrepreneurs. Her new business, Prosperous CoachTM -- a professional development resource for coaches -- launches early 2007. To learn more and receive special offers, subscribe to Coaching from Center ezine http://www.bubblingwell.com.Annmarie Blog33952
Annmarie Blog46147

Who Else Wants To Make Money With Adsense?

Fact number 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.

Fact number 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some of the super Adsense earners. You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz.

Content and links. When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals.

Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.

So why dont all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important?

The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content.

This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents. The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines.

Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

What do people have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box.

Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense. You.

Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people. Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.

Better not be left behind the many making millions already.

Visit: http://adsense.awardspace.biz

Jerry Oakman webmaster, seo specialist & internet marketer from y2k, some of his "must see" projects is:Amelie Blog34351
Allianora Blog31680

Charlotte Schools Offer Several Magnet Choices

The magnet program of Charlotte Schools is committed to increasing educational opportunities for students. Magnet programs are theme based learning centers within Charlotte Schools which aim to promote students interests, abilities and talents. Researchers have noted that magnet programs promote innovation in teaching and learning, increased parental involvement, greater student engagement, and diverse student bodies that lead to higher student achievement. Charlotte Schools offer various curricular themes or instructional approaches such as Early College, Foreign Language Immersion, Montessori, Leadership and Global Economics and many others.

Early College provides academically-talented and motivated students the chance to earn college credit while still in high school. This Charlotte Schools program allows ninth and tenth grade students to prepare for college courses by taking higher-level classes, such as Advanced Placement. Eleventh and twelfth grade students continue to earn their high school credits in the morning and take college classes in the afternoon. Special features include a formal agreement among the University of North Carolina system, allowing students to earn college credit and to transfer these credit hours to a participating college or university upon high school graduation.

A typical student that may attend this Charlotte Schools magnet program is one who enjoys reading, learning and academic challenges. This Charlotte Schools student has the ability to do accelerated work and is intellectually curious and possesses the self-motivation to learn. Students must also be willing to commit to college-level work expectations and show above grade level reading and math proficiency.

Charlotte Schools which participate in the Foreign Language magnet school program offer students the unique opportunity to become fluent in Chinese, French, German, Japanese or Spanish through a foreign language immersion program. Beginning in kindergarten, students become familiar with the new language as lessons are conducted in the second language for all or part of the instructional day.

Charlotte Schools children enrolled in the Montessori program magnet schools learn by working with specially designed and attractively displayed developmental materials. Working individually or in small groups, children develop a sense of self-esteem because they are given a balance of freedom and responsibility. Some of the special features a student may enjoy when attending a Charlotte Schools Montessori magnet are classes with multi-aged grouping, activities that help students develop responsibility, self-confidence and independence, and certified Montessori teachers. Montessori schools are ones which have a child-centered learning environment that places high regard for each childs developmental level.

Charlotte Schools students enrolled in the Center for Leadership and Global Economics are given opportunities to learn about leadership and to identify and develop personal leadership qualities while gaining a better understanding of global studies and economics. This program, available to Charlotte Schools students, hopes to produce future leaders in careers such as business, banking, finance, law, diplomacy, politics and the military. High school students in Charlotte Schools may choose from one of three leadership strands: 1) Banking and Finance through the National Academy of Finance; 2) Legal, Political and Social Systems; and 3) Military Science through JROTC.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit http://www.schoolsk-12.com/North-Carolina/Charlotte/index.htmlAmalea Blog69201
Avis Blog69516

Is Making A Good First Impression On Business Clients Important?

It has been said that it is important to always make a good first impression and you only get one chance to do that. After that opportunity passes, you will play catch-up in having your clients believe in you. You only rarely get a second chance to make a good first impression so you have to make the best of the opportunity.

In business, the first impression begins with the first contact a potential client has with you. Whether it is on the telephone or in person, the first time a client has any type of dealings with you company can help him for an instant opinion. Unfortunately, for many business owners, they are not the ones holding the key to the first meeting. It could be hindered by the receptionist who answers the phone or the maintenance man who is supposed to keep the front sidewalk clear of litter.

If they are not all on the same page in making your new clients feel welcome, you are fast approaching the point of being too late to make that good first impression. Even if the prospective new client gets into the office with no trouble for the first meeting, do not keep them waiting. While five minutes may not seem like a long time, but it could give the opinion that you do not think that person is important to your business. If they feel they do not matter to you, they will not believe you matter to them.

It does not matter what industry you are in or what type of work you do, there are many others that can provide the same service or product. The new client wants to be comfortable knowing that you are going to say what you will do and then do what you say. If you make the client feel uncomfortable or make them wait, they will probably seek another place to park their business.

If the new client feels good about doing business with your company and strikes a deal, that is only the beginning. That first impression can be ruined by bad follow up and not delivering on your promise. If you can do everything right, that first impression can translate into the best advertising you can hope forword of mouth. It is a commonly accepted theory that if you make one client happy they will tell five others.

If you do not treat them right they will tell two of their friends, who will tell two of their friends and so on, until business quits coming to you. There is no shame in doing what is right for the customer. After all, if the clients quit coming to your door, you may as well lock and stay at home.

Dock J. Murphy is owner of Plug In Profit http://Site.com and writes on a variety on a variety of subjects.Annissa Blog29029
Antonie Blog80021

How To Figure Out Your Per Mail Peice Budget

So you have a direct mail budget but not sure if you should send as many as possible, or put more effort into a smaller group.

Here is an example for a product and only considering the first sale:

Lets say that with 50 new sales your cost per unit is $135 each (Overhead, materials, labor, etc). No Marketing.

Lets assume with 100 new sales that drops to $100 per unit.

Then finally at 250 new sales your cost is $75 each.

Then lets assume you average $250 of gross income sale and you need at least $5000 more gross profit out of this campaign. After that $25 for each sale.

That means you can spend $15 per sale to sell 50 units.

You have $84 ea left for 100 units.

And $133 ea for 250.

If you spend $15 each for 50 new sales then you can only send out 2,500 30 cents mailers and you would require a 2 percent conversion rate. That is high for most mailing campaigns.

If you end up spending $84 per new sale for 100 that would be 28,000 30 cent mailers. You would need a 1/3 of a percent conversion rate, much easier than 2%.

If you end up spending $133 per new sale for 250 that would be 110,000 30 cent mailers. You would only need a 1/4 of a percent conversion rate.

Now to the point.

As you can see, the more TOTAL # of sales the more you can spend to get them and the lower the acceptable response RATE is. As you broaden your demographics and the response rate decreases you end up needing to send so many you cant find enough good prospects. At that point you would NEED to put more effort into a smaller group to increase the total number of sales.

So if you can afford $2,500 per mailing and you have 8,000 good prospects then a cheap 30 cent mailer is probably just fine. If you have 2,000 in your TOP tiers and 8,000 is dipping down into 3rd and 4th, then I would do a nicer mailer for 1-3,000 and then with the left over money send as many as possible of the cheapest mailer to the other prospects. The cheapest mailer may end up going to your TOP tiers with the nicer mailers going to the harder to convert prospects. Each business is different, so each campaign will also be different.

Bryan Bresnan runs CustomersByMail.com in Salt Lake City, UT and has been in the printing and marketing industries since 1997. If you are interested in growing your business with Direct Mail please contact him by email; bryan@print2day.com or visit http://www.customersbymail.com for more information and marketing articles.Ardath Blog30445
Arlen Blog54850

7 Steps to Market and Promote your Internet Business

For your Internet business to flow smoothly and reap the highest amount of profit you can, you need to know the order in which certain tasks should be accomplished. Following is a step-by-step guide to get your Internet business marketing and promotion off the ground and running like a well oiled machine.

Step #1: Make sure your merchant account is set up so you can receive payments from customers. Use the merchant program KickStart Cart.

Step #2: Write at least 10 articles that provide valuable content as well as promote your products and services. Write as many articles as you can. Articles are an exceptionally powerful promotional tool.

Step #3: Make sure your Autoresponder program is set up.

Step #4: Send out 10 articles as quickly as possible through Article Submitter Pro. These articles will help drive traffic to your squeeze page.

Step #5: Check that your Google AdWords program to ensure that it is running properly.

Step #6: Repurpose content so you can get more mileage out of it. For example, take the summaries from your articles and turn them into emails. This will increase the number of emails in your Autoresponder sequence.

Step #7: Create a habit of submitting articles through Article Submitter Pro. The search engines love to see updated content. So strive to send articles on a regular basis such as every two days.

Tip: It is better to submit 1 article to a hundred different sites than to submit a bunch of articles to the same site. By submitting articles to hundreds of different sites you are increasing your presence on the web.

These are core tasks that you should complete on a consistent basis. These tasks may seem overwhelming if you view them as a whole. Instead, think of each step as a bite size achievable task. If you take your marketing and promotion one step at a time then pretty soon youll have covered everything and your profits will skyrocket.

Good luck and get to work!

Matt Bacak began investing his first earnings at the tender age of 12, a young businessman in the making. Now, 15 years later, Bacak survived failed businesses, botched partnerships, heavy credit card debt and bankruptcy - all in preparation for the accomplishments he has achieved today as a well-established Internet millionaire and best-selling author.Aubrette Blog37987
Ariella Blog85507

The Piano - Key, Hammer And String - Part 1

The piano, while similar in some of its features too many other kinds of musical instruments, differs materially in several important points from all other kinds. It resembles the Violin, Harp, Guitar, Zither, Dulcimer, in its being stringed. It resembles the Drum, Triangle, Cymbals, Tambourine, Dulcimer, in its being dependent on percussion for the production of its tone; and it resembles the Organ, Clarinet, Concertina, in its being keyed.

But it differs from all of these instruments in the following important points. Firstly, in its being dependent on the player's method of finger push on the key for its quality of tone. Secondly, in its being dependent on rapidity of finger push for its quantity of tone and thirdly, in its being dependent on keys for the means of producing percussion. The actual mechanism of percussion, namely, the hammers, being reachable only through the pressing of the keys.

It is probably from a want of appreciation of this last fact, that the piano has come to be considered rather as a keyed instrument than as a stringed one.

The distinctive feature of the piano is, then, the system of its key mechanism.

As the seat of tone, the wire, is made to sound only by a series of communication, starting with the key, it is therefore necessary to understand the method by which this communication is conducted and kept open.

The piano key is, basically, a lever that's lifts the hammer that strikes the string. It is a lever of the first class, its fulcrum, or prop, lying between the power and the weight. In the case of the piano, this fulcrum, or centre on which the lever works, is placed about halfway between its two ends, the hammer (with some small intermediate mechanism) being the weight, and the finger the power acting on it. The very limited area should be noticed within which the action of the key is confined.

The immediate factor of tone is the hammer. The hammer, by means of intermediate mechanism, being in direct and close contact with the far end of the key, is raised when the near end is depressed by the finger or any weight; and the force with which the hammer is made to strike the string is in proportion to the speed brought to bear on the piano key by the finger at the moment of the push. Quantity of tone is thus the result of the amount of speed used in pushing the key down.

When the string has been struck by the hammer, the hammer falls back immediately, to allow the string to vibrate freely. This fallback of the hammer is, however, not a return to the position occupied by it before the stroke; it does not fall completely back until the key is allowed to rise. When the piano key rises, the hammer returns to its original position, and is ready for the next key push.

It is of great importance for the student to remember that the hammer is always at some distance from the wire. Except during the very short period of time spent in striking; that after having struck the wire it leaves it instantaneously to assume the half position described above; and that it is powerless to do any more work until after the key has been allowed to rise.

Mike Shaw is an organist and music teacher who has produced a selection of downloadable music books for anyone who wishes to learn to play the piano, organ or keyboard. To find out more visit his websites http://www.mikesmusicroom.co.uk and http://www.keyboardsheetmusic.co.ukAnnnora Blog97746
Ally Blog36346

Get Rid of those Bills Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

A credit card acts as temporary money for you. It allows you to make spending when you are short of cash or if you are uncomfortable in carrying too much cash in your pocket. But it is not freeyou get the bill at the end of every month for the value of all the spending you had done during the month through the credit card. And you are required to pay these credit card bills on time as banks and financial institutions are very strict regarding these payments. A little delay and be ready to pay the charges for the penalty and fine. This is the story of a single piece of plastic known as credit card. The situation become worst, when you are carry too many of them. So, when these credit card debts become unmanageable, you can take the help of credit card debt consolidation loans.

Credit card debt management loans helps you pay all the existing debts for credit cards which you are carrying. These loans are easily available in the loan market with large number of lenders. Also, in order to attract borrowers, lenders are continuously reducing the interest rates on these loans. So, a research among these loan lenders through online option can be beneficial for you in choosing a loan lender for credit card debt consolidation loans. You can apply for the credit card debt consolidation loans with or without offering the collateral to the lender.

There are various steps which you can take along with going for a Credit Card debt consolidation loans to get back the control over your credit card bills. These include attending credit counseling, planning a budget according to your income, close your credit card accounts which you dont use, making cash purchases wherever possible, using debit cards, transfer your balance to the credit card with lowest interest rate. All this steps will make the loan more effective. This will also give you the freedom from the stress and anxiety which you may be facing due to threatening calls and legal letter from your creditors to repay the credit card debt.

While filling an application form for a credit card debt consolidation loan through online option you need to fill simple details about your personal information, residential and employment status, loan amount required and an idea of your credit score. The lender once convinced will call you back for further assistance.

Credit card debt consolidation loans considers homeowners, non-homeowners, employed and self-employed, people with bad credit etc. So you dont have to worry about your status to apply for a credit card debt consolidation loan, which can serve you with a debt free life.

Alex Jonnes is associated with Easy Debt Consolidations. He is Masters in Business Administration and writes on various finance related topics. To find credit card debt consolidation loans,Debt consolidation loan bad credit, online debt consolidation loan, easy debt consolidations visit http://www.easy-debt-consolidations.co.ukAurea Blog15544
Auberta Blog84501

Dont get Scammed by Online Business Reviews

Are you just starting your new online business empire?

Well I was just like you not long ago, slaving away at my PC trying to find the best strategies for online business success. Throughout this period I spent heaps of my hard earned cash on information products which were meant to bring me instant riches (or so it was claimed). After wasting money on products which didnt deliver on their promises and unscrupulous webmasters not living up to the money back guarantee, I thought a change of tack was necessary.

Instead of reading the information products marketing pages, I thought I would be smart and try and get some independent third party advice from product review sites. As I was a complete novice, I thought, there had to be people on the web who had been through this search for good products and would give honest product reviews. I was wrong!

I bought products which had great reviews on these independent business review sites. However I was still getting stung by inferior products which didnt deliver. This is when I asked myself the question. Why is it so hard to find honest, independent product review information?

I know I was a bit slow on the uptake (actually a mentally challenged monkey, would have caught on quicker than what I did). However that is when I started reading about affiliate programs.

The light bulb was turned on in my brain (a true eureka moment) and that is when I realised, the review sites were affiliates of the products they were selling. This meant that if I bought a product through a link on the business review sites, the review site received a percentage (generally over 50 %!) of the sale. Not a bad deal really, considering all the hard work is done by the product creator.

I smelt a rat and after further investigation I found out that most of the reviews arent reviews at all. They were merely marketing advertisements written by the products creators and cut and paste onto the business review sites. What a scam! None of the review sites told me about their ulterior motive and to be honest I was very annoyed especially after investing so much of my money and time.

This is when I thought, why not start my own website which gives honest reviews of information products, written by someone other than the products creators (i.e. me)? So I did. I dont want you to get scammed and waste your money like I did. There needs to be more honesty, integrity and business transparency on the web.

Scott BarnesAilyn Blog79915
Allis Blog95767

What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me?

Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate's efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program).

It's similar to collecting commissions as a typical salesperson would. The more the affiliate sells... the more the affiliate gets paid. It's as simple as that!

Compensation calculations vary but are typically based on one of the following:

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - a specific amount is paid for each visitor the affiliate sends

Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) - where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups

Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) - a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate

If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links.

What About Product Sales and Marketing?

You'll want to watch for great products and services with the potential to benefit your niche market and your mailing lists. To build trust and income, it's best to recommend only those products that will be of specific interest to them. It's a win-win situation for everyone that way.

When an affiliate is marketing any product, the cost of marketing the product is absorbed by the affiliate, so it's important to keep that cost in mind when promoting products. Typically the higher the percentage of affiliate commissions possible from any quality product, the more that product is worth promoting.

When a product is sold through the affiliate's personal link, depending on the service used, the total sale is divided up among the vendor, the affiliate, the taxing authority, the shipper (if any), and the payment processor.

It is common and expected that all affiliate details be spelled out in the affiliate sign-up process. However, you shouldn't be afraid to contact any vendor to clarify their affiliate program if you have questions. Often you can telephone or email for a fast reply. If they are not willing to answer your questions then you should stay away from them. There are plenty of other quality affiliates programs that would love to have you!

Is a Digital Lifestyle for Me?

Many standard retailers offer very small commissions for affiliate sales while most internet marketers offer around 50%-75% of the sale for being an affiliate of their digital product. This is why being an affiliate of digital products can be very lucrative in a relatively short period of time.

Although the number of affiliate programs for tangible goods and off-line services is rising, a completely digital lifestyle can be developed solely from digital or downloadable affiliate products that may never take physical form.

Of course it's important to note that as an affiliate of any tangible product, you generally never do more than promote a link to the product online. So in that sense it's basically the same as a digital product.

One of the best places to find digital products to affiliate with is ClickBank.com. They have an automatic affiliate program built into their payment processing service so that affiliate payments are not left up to the product owner to process.

Three other good affiliate programs to check into are:

CJ.com (Commission Junction) Amazon.com LinkShare.com

Staying with reputable, well-known internet vendors makes a great deal of sense because you know you will get paid, you know when to expect a check or bank deposit, and you can see your account details online at any time. Plus, if you do have a problem they are more than willing to take care of it.

How Do I Get Started?

There are many ways to start with affiliate marketing, but a basic starting point is to have a web site with text or image affiliate links to products you want to promote. Generally you want to stay focused within a niche or interest group to increase your sales potential. In other words, you don't want to have many different affiliate links to variety of completely different markets on your website. Stick to a similar theme.

If you have used the products, your promotional efforts could include a product review based on your own experience along with images and other supporting information.

Developing an email opt-in list is helpful in affiliate marketing because it gives you the opportunity to find the products and information with the most potential benefit for a group of like-minded individuals (your subscribers) and tell them about it. A targeted list of subscribers, that you have built a good relationship with could be worth thousands of dollars over time.

By promoting affiliate products to several targeted niche markets, it is possible to create a substantial income over time. Especially when the affiliate marketer is only promoting quality products with a real potential to benefit customers within the niche.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to build an income without having a product of your own, and without having to do much more than get interested people to view product information through your affiliate links. It's very easy to get started and can eventually put a lot of money in your pocket. But be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort. Making money online through affiliate programs is not easy. If it was everyone would be rich.


This article may be reprinted providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and link to the URL displayed.

John J Farina is a successful affiliate marketer. He provides expert reviews on which affiliate programs to join and which ones to avoid like the plague. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at: http://www.johnnysreviewsite.comAgnella Blog47325
Arden Blog97199

The Linking Strategy

In this article Im going to be walking you through the second most important part of setting up your search engine optimized empire.

So what is it? What other factor coupled with your keyword dense articles will enable you to top giants like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Well its the online equivalent of getting votes for your web site. It is called getting links, and it is a hell of a lot easier than you think.

What are spiders and what purpose do they serve?

Spiders are essentially programs that crawl sites and report back to their superior (Google or whatever search engine they were created for) what their findings are. Their purpose is to make it easy for sites to get listed in search engines.

You might be wondering, what does it mean to crawl a site? Well it means to visit a site and copy the information.

How do spiders work?

Spiders work by finding links to web sites, visiting those web sites, going through the content of a web site and then reporting the content of the site back to the database of the site which they are working for. Google spiders, thus, crawl sites and report the information back to Googles database. From there, the information is added to Googles search engine, and the site then shows up in Google search results. Much the same process happens with any other search engine spider.

So what does this mean to you? Well essentially by having good quality and relevant content on your web site (your optimized articles) youll be pleasing the spiders. If you have links from other sites related to your content too youre way, way ahead of the pack.

Now heres the clever part. All you need to do to get links back to your web site is submit articles to article directories or write a press release related to your niche market. Link back to your site from the bottom of that article or press release.

Other web site owners in your niche will be looking for content to add to their own site, and will visit article directories to do so. Theyll pick up your article, add it to their site (theyll have to legally keep your link in the article) so now you have other sites linking to yours all over the place! This will impress the hell out of the spiders and youll start to rank extremely well in the search engines.

To find article directories simply go to Google and type in article directory you will find absolutely tons!

Theres more

As I said press releases are another great way to get links back to your web site. Not only that they are a great way to get free publicity for your ebook or web site. Write a press release and submit it to prweb.com. It will cost you a little to have them blast it all over the internet but it will mean that you get dozens, hundreds or even thousands of one way links back to your site catapulting you up the search engines.

I hope you have enjoyed my last few articles. Search engine optimization is a subject with mind blowing potential. Imagine if you were ranked number one in Google for a term like Viagra? Youd be a millionaire without a doubt. Thats not our goal. Our goal is to rank number one for tons and tons of keywords related to our niche so we can start bringing in regular cash windfalls. Then we just create another product, get that to rank in the search engines and just keep on repeating until our monthly income is through the roof.

In my last article on this topic I am going to discuss how to get ranked in the fastest possible time.

Andy Michaels is an information publisher specializing in helping people start their own home based business. Get a no cost video showing you step by step how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word at http://www.andymichaelsonline.comBabs Blog53243
Amity Blog78161

OsCommerce for High Risk Merchants: The Good, The Bad, and The Possibilities

Just because osCommerce is the most popular merchant account software doesn't mean it's the best solution for your online business. Agree or disagree? Do you find osCommerce to be overrated? A lot of high risk merchants adopt osCommerce as their primary merchant account solution because of so many advantages. But, knowing osCommerce is open source (hence the name), there will always be loopholes before merchants can actually find it functional for their specific business needs.


So what are the likely monkey wrenches that might pop out once you start using osCommerce? For those having second doubts, you may be justified. Consider:

1. There are way too few templates in the osCommerce solution. If you attempt to tinker with the stylesheets, it would take a lot of time and a developer's help to be able to accomplish the best template for your needs.

2. Merchants may be vaguely aware of "attributes". In order to take full advantage of the limited attributes system, merchants will need to get a good developer to modify it. Otherwise, osCommerce's shopping cart may not be the best solution to use.

3. Even osCommerce's administration area isn't keen on password protection. However, this is remediable by simple research on the site and discussion with your developer.

4. As osCommerce is heavily dependent on the contribution of programmers worldwide, even product catalog capacity needs to be modified. osCommerce's solution won't suffice for big scale catalogs unless it has been altered to adopt new products that the server can handle.

Based from these loopholes, we can tell that a lot of osCommerce's capabilities are dependent on the software developer who is responsible for the alterations and extensions in the system. osCommerce is so powerful but without the ability to customize it to your merchant account's needs, it loses its potential to provide a cheap (or free) and efficient credit card processing solution.


Now what makes osCommerce absolutely attractive for low risk and high risk merchants alike? Hands down, it beats other solutions simply because it's free! You can download the software, add-ons, and modifications grais. Also, osCommerce was being utilized by online merchants all over the world since March 2000, so it's pretty much universally trusted.

Although osCommerce's main weakness is the great necessity to modify the attributes, it is also its biggest strength. Its flexibility for customization as well as the capacity to support several languages and accept many international currencies make it the best open source merchant account software around. Security, user-friendliness, and a strong developers' community support also add up to its usability.

osCommerce's features can easily be checked out on their website. It lists down general functionality, set-up or installation, design, administration, customer, product, payment, shipping, and tax functionalities. Indeed, low risk and high risk merchants may only realize the full potential of osCommerce as shopping cart and card processing tool only when they pick out the features that would seamlessly work with their business - then, enlist the help of developers for further customization and expansion.

Gerri Bryce is a versatile technical writer specializing in general web content copywriting and consultancy for finance and high risk merchant account providers. She has contributed a massive number of articles for today's most popular technology, gadget, gaming, business, finance, and science news websites. She participates in a number of top webmaster, finance and merchant account forums. Currently, Ms. Bryce lives in Marin County, California. She keeps herself abreast with Web 2.0 and cutting edge Internet trends by attending business workshops, online meet-ups, and conferences for merchant account professionals. She also travels extensively throughout the United States and Asia. e-mail: gerri.bryce@gmail.comAnsley Blog26163
Alvina Blog99946

3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

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Adel Blog53568

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