Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Butterfly Effect - Part 3

In this segment I'm going to wrap up on my explanation of The Butterfly Effect.

At this point you're probably wondering how the butterfly effect can possibly help you? Glad you asked.

The main idea you need to understand from all of this is that you don't need to make big changes in your life to see significant results!

You may have been lead to believe that you need to make big changes in your life to see big results. While it is true that massive action can bring about massive results there are two fundamental problems with this approach:

1. How do you know what changes you need to make to begin with? If you knew what changes to make wouldn't you have already done that? Of course you would have. Besides if you made a radical change and that change worsened your situation instead of improving it you may end up in a world of hurt - unnecessarily I might add!

2. You need to measure the results of what it is your changing! It's almost impossible to separate cause and effect when you make large scale changes to events. It makes far more sense to make a very small change and then measure those results to verify that your getting the desired result. Remember, a small change magnifies it's effect over time. Small consistent changes lead to big changes over time.

Since we're usually unsure of what changes we need to make doesn't it make sense to start with small changes and then tweak and tune as we go along? Hopefully I was able to prove to you in prior lessons that indeed small changes do have the potential to lead to really big events in your life. So forget about making radical changes in your life. Let's try and figure out what's busted before we fix it shall we?

First of all realize you are unique. No two people live exactly the same lives. You share common interests and activities with others but what you do each day and how you live your life is unique. Therefore, changes need to be specific to you. If you remember back to life altering principle 1 (law of attraction) you learned that the only time that really matters is... right now. The answer lies with the present! Focus on the here and now by being in the moment. Remember the switch thinking from prior lessons? You're still doing that aren't you?

The key to begin manifesting changes to your reality is to focus only on those thoughts that empower you. The thoughts that empower you should be centered around that which is most important to you.

Lets take an example that we can all relate to. Suppose that having more money is important to you and therefore empowers you. Don't do the obvious by focusing on the money. After all, money in and of itself has no intrinsic value. It's the value you give to it that matters most. Instead of saying "I want more money" what you really should be saying to yourself are affirmations such as the following:

"I love what money can do for me".

"I attract money to me".

"Money will allow me to spend more time with my loved ones"

Act as though you're already in possession of an abundance of money. Visualize yourself already doing what it is you would be doing if you already had the money in your possession. If you want an abundance of something then act like you already have an abundance of it. Something magical begins to happen when you act and feel in a manner consistent with your thoughts. The universe working through the Law of Attraction is ready to give you what you ask of it. So just ask!

I used the example of attracting more money towards you, however, you can substitute money with whatever is most important to you or empowers you.

By being in the moment and focusing on those thoughts that empower you creates the emotions which lead to actions which then manifests into your desired reality. Let the laws of the universe determine the best route to manifesting the appropriate reality for you. You just have to do your part by focusing your thoughts and being in the now.

As mentioned in previous lessons what may be simple to follow may not be easy to implement. It may not be easy in the sense that since these principles are simple to do they are also simple not to do.

Consistency is the key to any change.

To your continue prosperity.

Mike Manjin

Mike Manjin presents advice on self improvement and personal fullfillment. To learn more about powerful success principles please visit http://www.lifeprosper.com or for more information email him at mmanjin@lifealteringprinciples.com.Andree Blog77874
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